गुरुवार, २८ फेब्रुवारी, २०१३

Facts About Concrete Part 1.

1) Development length of bar is the length or extension that should be provided on either side from the point of maximum tension.

2) The ultimate average anchorage bond stress for plain bars in tension is 1.92 N/MM2 if the grade of concrete is M20.

3) The length of bar necessary to develop the full strength of the bar is called development length.

4) End Anchorage of bars is taken as the greater of depth or 12 times the diameter of bars.

5) Development length of is the length or extension that should be provided on either side from the point of maximum tension.

6) The ultimate average anchorage bond stress for plain bars in tension is 1.92 N/MM2 if the grade of concrete is M20.

7) The length of bar necessary to develop the full strength of the bar is called development length.

8) End Anchorage of bars is taken as the greater of depth or 12 times the diameter of bars.

9) Water cement ratio is the ratio of water to cement by weight.

10) The entrained concrete increases workability.

11) Concrete is unsuitable for compaction by vibration if it is plastic.

12) The strength and quality of concrete depends upon............
A).Grading of aggregat,
B).Shape of aggregates,
C). Surface area of aggregates, 
D).Surface texture of aggregates.

13) In order it avoid segregation, fresh concrete should be dropped from a height of less than one meter.

14) The process of hardening of concrete in the presence of water is called hydration.

15) The process of keeping the concrete structure moist is called curing.

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