civil engineering question papers लेबल असलेली पोस्ट दाखवित आहे. सर्व पोस्ट्‍स दर्शवा
civil engineering question papers लेबल असलेली पोस्ट दाखवित आहे. सर्व पोस्ट्‍स दर्शवा

गुरुवार, ३१ जानेवारी, २०१३

सार्वजनिक बांधकाम विभाग, औरंगाबाद. (स्थापत्य अभि. सहाय्यक पद भरती- २७ जाने २०१३)

सार्वजनिक बांधकाम विभाग, औरंगाबाद. (स्थापत्य अभि. सहाय्यक पद भरती- २७ जाने २०१३)
मराठी आणि इंग्रजी
1." त्र्यंबक बापुजी ठोंबरे" यांचे टोपण नाव कोणते?
A. केशवसुत
B. केशवकुमार
D. बी
2. तो आणि   मी मिळून येऊ.या वाक्यातील अधोरेखित शब्दाची जात-
पर्यायातून योग्य   सांगा
A. शब्दयोगीअव्यय
B. क्रियाविशेषण अव्यय
C. केवलप्रयोगी अव्यय
D. उभयान्वयी अव्यय
3. ' विवेक क्रिकेट खेळतो' या वाक्यातील प्रयोग ओळखा?
C.सकर्मक  कर्तरी
D.अकर्मक कर्तरी
4. रिकाम्या जागी कोणता अलंकारिक शब्द वापरता येईल? ठेंगू माणसाला ...................  म्हणतात
5. वारकरी सांप्रदायाचे आचार्य ........... यांना म्हणतात?
A.संत एकनाथ
B.संत रामदास
C.संत ज्ञानेश्वर
D.संत चांगदेव
6. ' पर उपकारी नेणे परनिंदा । पर स्त्रिया सदा बहिणी माया ।।'या अभंगाच्या ओव्या कोणत्या संताच्या आहेत?
A.संत नामदेव
B.संत चोखामेळा 
C.संत तुकाराम
D.संत गोरोबा
7. १९८८ साली 'ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार' देवून या मराठी कवीचा गौरव करण्यात आला.
A.वि. दा. करंदीकर
B.वि. स. खांडेकर
C.वि. वा. शिरवाडकर.
D.या पैकी नाही
8. ' झाले बहु, होतिल बहु, आहेतही बहु, परंतू या सम हा' या पंक्तीत कोणता अलंकार आहे?
9. शिखांच्या धर्मग्रंथात (ग्रंथसाहिब) ................... या संताची पदे  आढळतात.
A.संत नामदेव
B.संत मुक्ताई
C.संत तुकाराम
D.संत मीराबाई
10. एकाच जातीचे अनेक शब्द लागोपाठ आल्यास लेखनात कोणत्या विरामचिन्हांचा वापर करतात?
11. पत्रलेखनात पुढील पैकी कोणता भाग येतो?
A.प्रथम पुरुषी लेखन
B.द्वितीयपुरुषी लेखन 
C.तृतीयपुरुषी लेखन 
D.या पैकी नाही.
12. मराठीतील पहिले वृत्तपत्र कोणते?
13. पहिला महाराष्ट्र भूषण पुरस्कार कोणाला मिळाला?
A.सचिन तेंडूलकर
B.लता मंगेशकर
C.सुनील गावसकर
14. ८५ व्या अखिल भारतीय मराठी साहित्य संमेलन सन २०१२ च्या अध्यक्ष्यांचे नाव सांगा?
A.वसंत डहाके
B.गंगाधर पानतावणे
C.उत्तम कांबळे
D.नागनाथ कोत्तापल्ले
15. रामलक्ष्मण, पापपुण्य विटीदांडू, हे कोणत्या समासातील शब्द  आहेत?
16. भाषेत ज्याच्यामुळे शोभा येते त्या गुणधर्माला काय म्हणतात?
A.भाषेचे लावण्य
B.भाषेचे गुणधर्म
C.भाषेचे स्वरूप
D.भाषेचे अलंकार
17. 'मुंबईची घरे लहान ! कबुतराच्या खुराडासारखी' या वाक्यातील अलंकार सांगा?
18.  'करण' हा कोणत्या विभक्तीचा कारकार्थ आहे?
19. मराठी भाषेत एकूण ....... वर्ण (मुळाक्षरे ) आहेत. 
20. ...............यांना राष्ट्रसंत म्हणून ओळखले जाते?
A.संत गाडगेबाबा
B.संत तुकडोजी महाराज
C.संत कबीर
D.संत नामदेव
21. नामाऐवजी वापरल्या जाणाऱया  शब्दाला काय म्हणतात ?
B.शब्दयोगी अव्यय
C.सर्व नाम
D.उभयान्वयी अव्यय
22. 'विधुर' या शब्दाचा विरुद्ध लिंगी शब्द कोणता?
23. 'मोडकी' हे विशेषण खालील पैकी कोणत्या नामापुर्वी येईल?
24. खालील पैकी कोणता शब्द दोन्ही वचनात एकच राहतो?
25. 'भावार्थदीपिका' हे .......... या ग्रंथाचे नाव आहे?
D.या पैकी नाही.

26. Which word is used incorrectly in the following sentence?
These arguments sound foolishly.
27. We have ...........workers than we need for this work. choose the correct word to feel the blank.
28. fill in the blank with the correct phrase in the given sentence. He is............. his lost book.
A. looking for
B. looking after
C. looking at
D. looking into
29. Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence – “The British were able to establish an empire in India because the ruling Indians were…………..”

A. organised
B. disunited
C. disorganised
D. united
30. Choose the correct passive form for the sentence - "He read a book"
A. A bookis read by him.
B. A Book is read by him.
C. A book have been read by him.
D. A book has been read by him.
31. Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence.
I would sooner ............the city.
A. left
B. leaves
C. leaving
D. leave
32. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following narration.
He asked if ...............
A.She would help him

B.would she help him
C.She will help him
D. She helps him
33. Complete the following sentence choosing the correct alternative.
She is so clever that...................
A. she couldn't fail
B. she failed
C.she can't fail
D. she can fail
34.Choose the correct synonyme for the word 'mild'
A. severe
B. calm
C. simple
D. gentle
35. which of the following suffexes will be used to change the word 'kind'
A. dis
B. un
C. ful
D. ness
36. Mark out the correct sentence to change te following sentence in indirect speech.
You said, " I don't like it'
A. you said that he didn't like it.
B. you said that I didn't like it.
C. you said that you didn't like it.
D. you said that she didn't like it.
37. Choose the correct alternative to change the following sentence in pesent continuous tense.
We learn English everday.
A. We are learning English everday.
B. We learning  English everday.
C. We have been learning English everday.
D. We are being learnt English everday.
38. Choose the correct alternative having the synonyme of word 'benevolent'
A. cleaver and sincere
B. polite and sincere
C. kind and helpful
D. honest and timed
39. Which of the following sentence has no correct plural number?
A. He had long black hair.
B. We have read many stories.
C. The leaves of the tree were yellow.
D. The thief were handcuffed.
40. Which of the following sentence of comparative degree is corect?
A. Goapl is taller than boys.
B. Gopal is more tall.
C. Gopal is taller than any other boy.
D. Gopal is the taller boy.
41. Which of the following is not spelt correctly.
A. Bouquet.
B. Dialogue
C. Pronunciation
D. Parliment.
42. Mark out the correct alternative to change te following sentence in assertive form.
What a beautiful scene!
A.the scene looks beautiful.
B. the scene is very beautiful.
C. It is a very beautiful scene.
D. It is very beautiful scene.
43. There was nothing to eat but bread and cheese. in the above sentence ' but ' is used as 
A. adverb
B. preposition.
C. conjuction
D. determiner
44. Choose the correct meaning of the phrase ' lost his head'
A. lost his brain.
B. lost his head.
C. failed to keep his balance of mind.
D. failed to find his brain.
45. Which of the following pair is not correct?
A. Frog-Fown
B. Sheep- Lamb
C. Cat-Kitten
D. Dog- Puppy
47. Study of the relation of living  things to their surroundings is called as..............
A. astronomy
B. ecology.
C. biology.
D. astrology.
48. Choose the correct answer to add a question tag to the following means.........
' We never tell a lie'
A. aren't we?
B. have we?
C. are we?
D. do we?
49. ' A contented man s always rich'. In this sentence contented means ........
A. wealthy
B. qualified.
C. learned.
D. satisfied.
50. Choose the correct alterative to change the given sentence in passive form, "Give me a pen"
A. Let a pen is given to me.
B .A pen is given to me
C. Let me be given a pen
D. I m given a pen

गुरुवार, २४ जानेवारी, २०१३

महाराष्ट्र नगरपरिषद अभियांत्रिकी सेवा संवर्ग (स्थापत्य). जळगाव.(परीक्षा दि. १३ जाने २०१३.)

01.  Mixing of milk with water is due to…………………..
A.      Very good cohesion
B.      Very good adhesion
C.      Very good surface tension
D.      Very good vapour pressure
02.   Pitot tube is to measure………
A.      Pressure head
B.      Velocity head
C.      Discharge coefficient
D.      Velocity gradient
03.   The length of diverging part of a venturimeter, as compared to length of converging part is…….
A.      Longer
B.       Shorter
C.      Equal
D.      May be any of above
04.   According to is classification, the soil having grain size between  0.2 mm to 0.06 mm is ……..
A.      Medium silt
B.      Fine sand
C.      Clay
D.      Coarse sand
05.   Turning of the theodolite telescope in vertical plane by 180 ̊ about the horizontal axis is known as …………….
A.      Transiting
B.      Centering
C.      Swinging
D.      Setting
06.   The diameter of main bars in RCC column shall not be less than ………
A.      6 mm
B.      8 mm
C.      10 mm
D.      12 mm
07.   In grillage footing maximum shear force occurs at the ……..
A.      Edge of grillage beam
B.      Center of base plate
C.      Center of grillage beam
D.      None of these
08.   Which of the following industry consumes more water……..
A.      Tyre
B.      Steel
C.      Printing press
D.      Paper

09.   Presence of fluorides in drinking water is permissible when its limit is about…………..
A.      3 mg/l
B.      1 mg/l
C.      5 mg/l
D.      10 mg/l
10.   An advantage of cavity wall is better ………….
A.      Heat isulation
B.      Sound insulation
C.      Damp proofing
D.      All of the above
11.   Colby apparatus is used to measure……
A.      Astronomical angle
B.      Base lines
C.      Undulated area
D.      Time
12.   Creep of rail is……
A.      Thermal  movement of rail tracks
B.      Longitudinal movement of rails in tracks
C.      Movement of rails due to horizontal trust caused by nosing
D.      None of the above
13.   Beams composed of more than one materials rigidly connected together so as to behave as one piece are known as…………
A.      Compound beams
B.      Indeterminate beams
C.      Determinate beams
D.      Composite beams
14.   The minimum water content at which the soil starts possing shear strength is…….
A.      Liquid limit
B.      Consistency limit
C.      Plastic limit
D.      Toughness limit
15.   The minimum depth of lintel used in construction is……..
A.      75 mm
B.      150 mm
C.      225 mm
D.      300 mm
16.   Grain size analysis of fine grained soil is done by the method of…..
A.      Sieve analysis
B.      Hydrometer analysis
C.      Both A & B
D.      None of these
17.  Sandy soil is effectively compacted by the method of …………
A.      Kneading  type  compaction
B.      Hammer blows
C.      Vibration
D.      Penetration

18.   Simple bending equation is………
A.     M/I=R/I=F/Y
B.      I/M=E/R=Y/F
C.     M/I=E/R=F/Y
D.     M/I=R/E=Y/F
19.   Addition of pozzolana to cement………….
A.     Decreases workability
B.      Increases strength
C.    Increase heat of hydration
D.     Decreases curing time
20.   The shape of the earth is like a…………
A.     Oblate spheroid
B.      Ellipsoid
C.    Parabolliod
D.     Cissoids
21.   Which one of the following is NOT as excavating the moving type of  equipment?
A.     Bulldozer
B.      Clam shell
C.    Scraper
D.     Dump track
22.   Maximum vehicle width specified by IRC is……..
A.      3.12 m
B.       2.88 m
C.     3.30 m
D.      2.44 m
23.   Piping in soil occurs when …………
A.      The soil is highly porous
B.       Sudden change in permeability occurs
C.     Effective pressure becomes zero
D.     The soil is highly satisfied
24.   Lines of equal precipitation on maps are known as…………
A.     Isohyets
B.      Iso-aquifier
C.    Isoprecipitants
D.     All of these
25.   Every material obeys the hooks law within its ……………
A.      Elastic limit
B.       Plastic limit
C.     Limit of proportionality
D.     None of these
26.   Workability of concrete is measured by……….
A.     Vicats apparatus test
B.      Slump test
C.    Minimum void method
D.     Talboat Richard test
27.   The bending moment is maximum on a section where shearing force is…………….
A.     Maximum
B.      Minimum
C.    Equal
D.     Changes sign
28.   Minimum visibility on a major road for vehicle speed of 100 km/hour should be taken about………
A.      15 m
B.       180 m
C.     220 m
D.     150 m
29.   Dead storage in the reservoir is provided……….
A.     To meet the emerging needs
B.      To mitigate the floods
C.     To accommodate the silt trapped in the reservoir
D.     To increase the useful life period
30.   The coning of wheels is made to prevent the……….
A.      Lateral movement of the axel
B.      Lateral movement of the wheel
C.     Damage of inside edeges of rails
D.     All of these
31.   Effects of force on body depends upon its…………..
A.     Direction
B.      Magnitude
C.    Position
D.     All of these
32.   The angle which an inclined surface makes with the horizontal when a body placed on it is on the point of moving down is called…………….
A.     Angle of repose
B.      Angle of friction
C.    Angle of inclination
D.     None of these
33.   Energy may be defined as……….
A.     Power of doing work
B.      Capacity of doing work
C.    Rate of doing work
D.     All of these
34.   The shape of suspended cable under its own weight is ……….
A.     Parabolic
B.      Circular
C.     Catenary
D.     Elliptical
35.   The property by which a body returns to its original shape after removal of the force is known as……
A.      Plasticity
B.      Elasticity
C.     Ductility
D.     Malleability
36.   The thickness of brick masonry mortar should generally be …………..
A.     Between 12.5 mm and 25 mm
B.      More than 12.5 mm
C.    Between 10 mm and 20 mm
D.     Always less than 12.5 mm
37.   In singly reinforced beam if the permissible stress in concrete reaches earlier than in steel, the beam section is called as ……………
A.      Under reinforced section
B.      Over reinforced section
C.     Economical section
D.     Critical section
38.   The best location of damp proof course (DPC) in a building
A.     At parapet
B.      At plinth level
C.    At basement
D.     At flooring
39.   The heights referred to sea level are called ……………
A.     Absolute
B.       Altitude
C.     Co ordinate
D.     Projection
40.   R.L. of a bench mark is 200.000 m foresight 3.285 m and backsight 1.525 m. the R.L. of forward station will be …………
A.     198.240m
B.      203.285 m
C.    201.5 m
D.     204.810 m